Find out the 7 Biggest Grooming Mistakes Balding Men Make & what Imperial products can help by Julia Savacool.
No matter how hard you resist, you'll always lose the fight against hair loss. Two thirds of men will experience significant hair thinning by age 35, according to the American Hair Loss Association (AHLA). And by age 50, 85 percent of men have thinning hair or are bald. It’s no surprise, then, that hair loss treatments racked up a cool $3.5 billion last year in the U.S. from men seeking solutions for their awkward bald spots and expanding foreheads. Unfortunately the vast majority do not work, says the AHLA. Whether you accept the fate of your follicles or not, figuring out how to style your hair when there’s less of it takes finesse, and a lot of guys get it all wrong. Check out the seven most common mistakes men make — and see how you can do it right.
Overdosing on Product
Too much goo will weigh your hair down and make it look stringy — a style to avoid when you're thinning. “Use a product that will make your hair look fuller rather than separated,” says master barber Pedro Zermeno of Imperial Barber Products. “A cream, clay, or paste is best for this. Gel and pomade, however, will cause separation and draw more attention to your thinning hair.” Try This: Imperial Barber’s FreeForm Cream ($24,, a lightweight, light-hold cream that creates fullness while working to strengthen the hair follicles. Use a dime-size dollop and work through damp hair. Read more at